Preparation for travel

Today I started disassembling the touring bike to get it ready to put inside the large bike box I got from Fresh Air. Rob kindly saved all the wrapping from the bike that came out of the box so I could protect mine while it’s in transit. There’s so much to remove to get the bike to fit properly in the box… pedals, handlebars and handlebar bag clamp, front fender, front pannier rack, seat and post, and loosening all the cables so the handlebars fit nicely against the top tube. Hopefully we’ll have a good place to assemble the bikes once we get to Venice, then do a bit of a test ride to make sure everything is set up properly for the next day.

Fabio gave me a good idea about transporting our panniers… use a large duffel bag and put our panniers and sleeping bag inside it. This will be our second item as checked baggage. Hopefully the Hotel we’re staying at in Venice will let us store the bike boxes and bags, as we’ll book the same place again a day or two before we fly back to Canada.